Friday 21 January 2011

Question 4: how did you use new media technologies in the construction and evaluation stages?

Equipment used...


I have used my laptop to edit all of the videos and to edit all of my pictures taken for the digipak and poster, I also used my laptop to gather all of the research, planning and finding what song to use for our group video. The software that I used on my laptop were Sony Vegas pro 9 and Corel Paint shop pro X2, as I already had previous experience on using the software on my laptop I knew what I was doing on them so my editing was more precise and this meant that my final video, digipak and poster were up to the best standard that I could produce, although for the music video there were no transactions other than fade and there were no special effects as the idea of our music video was to show the band playing the song and nothing more. Without this my laptop I would of had to use the college’s computers and they are no good as they are old Macs (eMacs) and they use iMovie and I do not have much experience on this software so my video would of suffered, also there is a small amount of them (5) and they are used by every media student in the college so usage would also be limited, where as I have unlimited access to my laptop at any time and any where...


I have used my camera to take all of the photos for location ideas, proof of working (editing ect...), photo shoots for the digipak and for the poster, I have used my camera for high definition photo taking and I used the digital screen to view all of the pictures to see if I could improve the photos even more. Without my camera I would of had to borrow the colleges cameras and for this I would of had to take the camera back the next day and they would of deleted all of the pictures that I had taken off of the SD card in the camera so all of my work from the photo shoot would have been for nothing and this would cause problems for my digipak and poster.

Video camera

I have used my own video camera to capture parts of the music video that we have made as a group, I used my camera when I was not part of what needed to be filmed like the shots of Rhys on the drums and I used my camera to record most of them shots. Without my video camera I would have had to borrow the college’s cameras and this would have caused problems as they are available to borrow from every student and they also use tape so I would have needed a fire wire cable to insert the videos onto to computer and my laptop does not have a port for fire wires.


I have used my own tripod for the filming and the photo shoots for the poster and digipak, this was handy as it provided a still video from the video camera, without my tripod I would of either had to not use one, borrow one from the college or borrow Damon’s.

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