Wednesday 6 October 2010

research into the band clothing

For the music video that we will be making I have hcame up with an idea for what the performers will be wearing and this will reflict on the genre of the music video as we will be doing a rock music video. I have been looking into all of the different band artists that are associated with rock and her are some of the ideas for clothing:

in the picture above we have the lead singer from ACDC and he is called Brian Johnson, in this picture he is wearing dark clothes and these include a dark blue vest, a grey hat and black geans and this clothing is typical of a rock artist, also in the background there is a musition and he is wearing more or less the same apart from the colour of his jeans.

in the picture above there is a shot of all of the artists that are in the band and they are al wearing dark clothes that all look the same, they are all wearing suits and two of them are wearing coates, I might think about using some of these clothing ideas in our music video

in this picture above there is all of the artists that are in the band and they are all wearing casual wear as they are all wearing t-shirts apart from one and he is wearing a sirt and these are typical of a drummer in the bands, I think that we shoud use this type of clothing for the drummers that will be in the band in our music video.

in this picture above there is a rock band an in this picture the main singer is in bright colours and this would be to draw al of the attention to that singer, in the background there are three men in black clothing and these are typical of the rock genre.

I have akso done further study into what other rock bands looklike and this can be found under the title of Moodboard 1 (people in the band)

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