Wednesday 25 August 2010

The Rock Show by Blink-182 (alt rock research)

This music video is The Rock Show by Blink-182. This video is bassed at the artists going around streets and giving money that they have recieved as a grant away to lots of different people e.g. they see a homeless person and give him a suit and money... the story line of this music video is the artists going around and giving lots of people money. I think that this music video has some good techniques that I may use in my final music video.

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Camera shots used in What I've Done (alt rock research)

This music video is mainly clips of history from the past e.g. the nuke, Vietnam war and so on... there for I will list all of the shots that are of the artists playing the song...

point of view shot - this is of the scorpion at the beginning
pan - this is used to show the audience the surrounding of the artists and it is used to introduce all of the artists one by one
extreme close up - this is used mainly to focus on the cogs and the function of a clock or wrist watch
tracking shot - this is used for when there is a clip of nature e.g. the eagle gliding or the scorpion at the beginning
close up - this is used to show the audience what to focus on e.g. the drummer, the guitar, the DJ or the singer ect...
tilt shot - this shot is only used on the drummer throughout the song
low angle shot - this is used on all of the artists
two person shot - this is only used on the two singers and one of which has a guitar
establishing shot - this is used at the beginning with the scorpions point of view as it shows the audience where they are
mid shot - this is used when the audience can see all of the artists in the video
aerial shot - this is mainly used on the DJ but it is also used on the main singer around 3 times
zoom - this is only used on the guitars
zoom out - this is used to show all of the artists in the video and it starts off with the singer and then zooms out to show all of the artists

Music video: What I've Done (alt rock research)

This music video is What I've Done by Linkin Park. This music video is based at all of the bad points in the history of the earth e.g. making the atom bomb and street riots, the KKK, Hitler ect... also in the music video there are some clips of good achievements like making Stone Henge, popular buildings, sky scrapers, Gandhi, giving life to nature and so on... this means that this music video is looking at all of the bad points whilst looking at some of the good points that man has done.

Monday 23 August 2010

Music Video: Undisclosed Desires (alt rock research)

This music video is Undisclosed desires by Muse. This music video is based in possibly a warehouse where there are lights that are all over the floor and on the walls ect... there is then a girl dancing in the room. The story line of this music video is the artist is talking to the girl that is dancing and she is ignoring him. I think that some of the ideas that have been used in this music video are very good and I will consider using them in our music video.

as you can see in this video chop there is a lot of shots that have images and words on and these are there to make the watcher concentrate on all of the words and the lyrics at that specific time, I think that this is a very good technique, although pulling this off so that it fits in with the lyrics being sung will be tricky. This technique enables the music video to have disjunctive and also illustrate parts in the music video (quotes by Andrew Goodwin)

Sunday 22 August 2010

Camera shots used in 21 Guns (alt rock research)

close up - this is used to show all of the expressions in the artists and the people's faces e.g. when bullets are shooting through the wall the woman is screaming and looks scared
zoom - this is mainly used in the first half of the music video and it is used to tell the audience what to focus on
over shoulder shot - this is used a couple of time throughout the video and they are, shots of the artists, when woman is on chair arm and man in background and some more
two person shot - this is used mainly to focus on the two people in the music video when they are together as a couple and it is also used sometimes on the artists
establishing shot - this is used mainly on the artists to show the audience that the artists are in the hotel room with the actors
mid shot - this is mainly used with the artists, how ever there are moments when it focuses on the actors e.g. when the actors walk up to each other and hug
extreme close up - this is used to emphasise the shooting and what damage it causes e.g. all of the glass vases being smashed
long shot - this is used to show the audience what is happening in the video and it has all of the actors and artists in the shot
low angle shots - this is mainly used on the artists, however there is a couple of shots that are if the actors e.g. when the telephone rings
tracking shot - this is used when the two actors are walking to each other and the camera follows them walking
pan shot - this is used throughout the video, but is mainly used at the last half of it e.g. when the actors are together hugging

Music video: Green Day 21 Guns (alt rock research)

This music video is 21 Guns by Green Day. This music video is based possibly at a motel and there is a woman looking out of the window through the blinds... then when the words one twenty one guns are sung then there is a shower of bullets shooting into the room. The story line of this music video is a couple that are in love and they are running possibly from a gang and the gang is shooting at the motel the couple are in.

camera shots used in Dirty Harry (alt rock research)

establishing shot - this is used at the beginning of the music video and there are about 3
pan - this is used at the site of a plane crash, when there is a shot in the truck the camera pans around to the passengers
close up - this is used when there is a shot of a crashed plane, when the artist is playing the keyboard, also a few times focusing on the truck, a shot of a snake, man driving the truck, beetle, singer crushing rocks
long shot - this is used mainly when the video is focusing on the truck
low angle- this is mainly used when the non animated artist jumps out of the sand, it is also at the beginning when the flare is shot
mid shot - this is used mainly when the artist is playing the keyboard and also when the kids are dancing to the music
two person shot - this is mainly used when the artists in the truck can be seen and there is also some two person shots with the children dancing to the music
tracking shot - this is mainly used with the truck, it is also used when the artist playing the keyboard is dancing
over shoulder shot - this is used mainly with the children and the artist playing the keyboard, it is also used sometimes with the artists in the truck
zoom shot - this is mainly used with the artist playing the keyboard and the children and it is the most frequently used camera shot/angle, it is also used when a man jumps out of the sand and starts singing
high angle shot - this is used when the truck arrives where the children are
extreme close up - this is used with the dung beetle on the sand
areal shot - this is mainly used for some of the establishing shots and it
zoom out shot - this is mainly used when a man jumps out of the sand and starts singing, it is also used with the artist playing the keyboard and the children and it is one of the most frequently used camera shot/angle
tilt shot - this us used with the truck, the artist playing the keyboard and with the man singing

Music video: Gorillaz, Dirty Harry (alt rock research)

This music video is Dirty Harry by the Gorillaz. This music video is the first of my research into the alternative rock genre of music videos and in this video there is a mix between reality and animations in, as there are cartoon children and artists and then there is all of the landscape, the truck and one of the artists. The story line of this music video is that a plane has crashed and the children need rescuing and there is a large truck comping to pick them up and also there is one of the artists playing a keyboard, singing and this is the song....

Saturday 21 August 2010

Music research names of bands and artists

Here are just a few of the bands / artists music videos that I will be looking into:

1. Green Day
2. Gorillaz
3. Muse
4. Linkin Park
5. The Big Pink

Wednesday 18 August 2010

my decision on what genre we will be filming

After looking at six different genres of music videos I have decided to base the music video that I will be making will be based around the alternative rock genre. I have chosen this genre because I have gathered a few ideas form researching into the different genres of music videos and I will aim to use some of these ideas when I am making my music video.

Now that I have chosen a genre, I will have to discuss this with Nick and Damon to see what genre we would like to do.

Music video research: Propane Nightmares by Pendulum

The video above is a music video from the drum and bass genre of music. This song is called 'Propane Nightmares' by 'Pendulum'. In this video the story is based at a church in the forest and it is full of people that are either old or who are injured e.g. man with broken leg. then there is a scene when the audience can see the artists playing all of the instruments like a guitar ect... and the priest heals all of the people in the church.

Music video research: I Gotta Feeling by Black Eyed Peas

The video above is a music video from the pop genre of music. The song is called 'I Gotta Feeling' by 'Black Eyed Peas'. In this video there are lots of people getting ready for a party and then there is a shot of them all arriving and finally they are all dancing and having a good time at the party (name of the song).

Music video research: My Hero by Foo-Fighters

The video above is from the rock genre of music. The song is called 'My Hero' by 'Foo-Fighters'. The story line behind this video is in the name it is about someone running into a house that is on fire and he is looking for the baby belonging to the woman outside of the house and inside of the house are the artists and they are invisible to the character in the video but they are visible to the audience.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Music video research: Not Afraid by Eminem

The video above is a music video from the rap genre of music. The song is called 'Not Afraid' by 'Eminem'. In this video all of the film is concentrated on the artist and it is based in a built up urban area and the video has scenes and images of not being afraid and this follows the name and lyrics of the song.

Music video research: Kickstarts by Example

The video above is a music video from the dance genre of music. The song is called 'Kickstarts' by 'Example'. In this video there is a mixture of people that have been filmed and then they have been split into three sections; the head, the torso and the legs, then in the video the people have their head, torso and legs mixed up with another two peoples body parts and this distorts the audience. I think that this is a very good idea and I might do the same technique when I am making my music video.

Music video research: Uprising by Muse

The video above is a music video that is of the alternative rock genre. The song is called ‘uprising’ by ‘Muse’ and it is from the album ‘The resistance’. In this video the world seems to be a scale model of a city and it is filled with toys e.g. toy cars, teddy bears and this makes the video look like a child is in charge of everything that is happening. I may consider using this technique when I am making my music video

Monday 16 August 2010

Liked artists.

Here are 5 of the artists that I like listed below, in no particular order:

1. Muse
2. Green Day
3. Linkin Park
4. Eminem
5. Black Eyed Peas